
GSoC started! [GSoC 2015 Week 1]

Theano is a symbolic expression calculator. User write expressions and functions in symbolic form, and then compile them to make them executable, so that user can do real calculation with them, feed data in and get output.

As I mentioned in last post, my task here is to make theano compile faster. So the very first step is profiling. During community bonding period, I profiled an autoencoder model which is very simple and a more complicated model provided by my mentor. The first interesting thing I found was that the sum of time in profiling output is shorter than the time it actually takes. I plan to do some more profiling to find out the reason and to make it covered by theano profiling module, but not now.

In bigger model, optimization is the most time-cost procedure during compile. Optimizations are introduced to make calculation more efficient, by changing the function graph without side effect. (http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/tutorial/symbolic_graphs.html#optimizations) Optimizations are useful, but it sometimes take too much time to apply them.

So here is a optimizations' to-do list. As I'm not very familiar with compiling procedure yet, I didn't purpose any optimization. But I will do that when I can. The items listed now are added by my mentor and other developers, thank you.

This week I did the first optimization, which is removing unnecessary operator chain, gpu_from_host and host_from_gpu. Theano can calculate with gpu. When doing optimization, theano tries to move operators and data into gpu, gpu_from_host is introduced to do that. Things like gpu_from_host(host_from_gpu(x_whatever_already_in_gpu)) can be generated, although they can be replaced with x_whatever_already_in_gpu in next applied optimizer "gpu_cut_transfer", it take time. Here I do some check to make sure gpu_from_host(host_from_gpu(x)) not introduced when moving data to gpu. The pull request is here.

I'm thinking about a possible optimization to do similar to this one, but still need more experience and experiments.

It was really interesting to read theano's code.

